
Reports & Brochures

Stage 1: Map – Transnational Findings, which bring together the case studies to offer an overall insight, in Català (Catalan), English, Français (French), Deutsch (German), Ελληνικά (Greek), Magyar (Hungarian), Polski (Polish), Español (Spanish) and Türkçe (Turkish)

Stage 1: Map – Case Study Findings: Hungary, Poland, Switzerland (Deutsch), Switzerland (English), UK, and European Parliament

Stage 1: Map – Full Report in English, containing the Transnational Findings, the National and European Parliament Reports, and how this research was undertaken

Stage 1: Map –  RESIST Research Summary tool/brochure, in English. Here you will find a 30 page outline of what the Mapping Stage found. It will be made available at a later date in Français (French), Deutsch (German), Ελληνικά (Greek), Magyar (Hungarian), Polski (Polish), Español (Spanish) and Türkçe (Turkish)

Public Events

The RESIST Project officially launched in October 2022 in Dublin. The inaugural event gathered numerous stakeholders from civil society, media, community groups, and academia. We presented the project, and were thrilled to receive numerous messages of support, welcoming RESIST and anticipating its outputs.

Members of the RESIST team (Gavan Titley, Sheryl Lynch, Roberto Kulpa, and Lati Akyuz) presented at the international conference: “Contesting 21st Century B/Orders” organised by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, September 06-08, 2023.

The RESIST team organised an event (23/04/2024) to promote findings from the first stage of the project. During the first year, we mapped media and parliamentary discourses of ‘anti-gender’ mobilisations across Polish, British, Swiss, Hungarian, and European Parliament’s cases. The event was recorded, and the video is available here and also under the ‘Podcasts & Videos’ list.

Roberto Kulpa presented the findings from the first stage of the project to the members of the UK-based academic trade union (UCU, Universities and Colleges Union) and other attending researchers, at the UCU Equality Research Conference 2024. A lively conversation followed showing resonances and importance of the findings to the audiences.

Katya Filep and Roberto Kulpa talked about findings of the first stage of the project to the international audiences gathered at the 7th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Brighton (UK), September 2024. The theme ‘Uncomfortable Spaces’ was a perfect fit and focal point to talk and think with fellow researchers about problems associated with expanding ‘anti-gender’ politics and mobilisations.

RESIST in the Media

RESIST welcomed journalists from the Irish GCN Magazine to the project launch event in October 2022. You can read more about their impressions and reflections from the event in this article.

The article ‘EU study to examine the rise of gender-critical politics’ (21/10/2022) by Leigh Mc Gowran was published in the Irish magazine Silicon Republic, Ireland’s no 1 resource for science and technology news, and one of the leading online publications in Europe in this area.

German media magazine watson published an interview with Stefanie Boulila in conversation with Juliette Baur. The article, titled ‘Richtet sich gegen Frauen und Minderheiten» – Expertin erklärt «Anti-Gender»-Politik’ (11/04/2024) can be read in full here.

“Anti-Gender-Politik in der Schweiz: Analyse der Hochschule Luzern” (20/05/2024) was published by Luzern Zeitung. The article showcases the findings of the Swiss case study in the first stage of the RESIST project. A PDF copy of the article is available here.

We are happy to have been featured in the article by Rozenn Le Carboulec for the French magazine Mediapart. The article, ‘Un rapport alerte sur l’offensive antigenre en Europe’ (05/06/2024), is part of the ‘Série Europe : l’offensive anti-genre’. 

Podcasts & Videos

We have launched a RESIST YouTube channel. This multipurpose platform will serve in hosting and promoting our own videos and recordings, podcasts, educational materials, and a curated collection of external audiovisual resources that we recommend for anyone interested in learning more and understanding ‘anti-gender’ mobilisations, and queer-feminist resistances. Please subscribe and follow us to receive updates when the new content appears online.

The recording of the event promoting findings from the first stage of the RESIST project is available on the RESIST YouTube channel

Prof Kath Browne, PI on the RESIST Project, shares her reflections on working on the RESIST project funded under the EC Horizon Europe, Pillar 2, Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”. The video was produced for the Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Office. You can view the video on the RESIST YouTube channel.

Blog Posts & Social Media

We launched a RESIST LinkedIn page. This professional ‘social media’ service will help us in promoting our outputs and findings to the diverse and wide group of general audiences. Please follow us to receive updates when the new content appears online.

HSLU featured an article about RESIST, in which they speak with Stefanie Boulila about the project, gender and sexual diversity, and social inequalities. You can read the article (in German) here.


You can now subscribe to our mailing list, and receive notification when we publish new outputs on our website. Our newsletters are infrequent (typically 2-3 per year) to avoid unnecessary clutter in mailboxes.

The first RESIST newsletter was sent out on the 16th of Aprili 2023, containing news about the first set of research findings, a project findings webinar invitation and links to published findings

Press Releases

Academic Publications

When we have published academic outputs, they will be listed here on the RESIST website. You can also see them, and all other types of RESIST outputs on our ZENODO repository.

We are happy to launch our own open access repository space on the leading EU-backed ZENODO repository. You will find here all our outputs produced during the project lifetime.

Toolkits & Datasets

Here you will find our Toolkits and Datasets we will produce during the project. This section of the ‘Resources’ page will be updated as we release new outputs. If you want to be notified about new releases, you can sign up to our newsletter here